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Public Governor

Brian Toner

Public Governor

Rest of England and Wales constituency

Brian is the Lead Governor and considers that the Trust’s paramount goal is to deliver high quality health care, whilst responding to today’s economic demands. Having twice been a patient at the hospital, he was hugely impressed by the professionalism of the staff and the care he received and wanted to give something back, so he was happy to become a member, later an elected Governor and currently the Lead Governor. Brian's professional background was in health and social care, since retirement he has worked with charities and was involved with the Care Quality Commission, experience that enables him to make a positive contribution to the Trust’s ongoing development. Brian's firm belief is that success derives from a strategic direction clearly understood by all, implemented by an engaged workforce and regularly measured through stakeholder feedback.

"Quality services are delivered by committed staff, supported by a strong governance foundation, which includes listening to service users, and an ability to learn from mistakes and equally celebrate success."